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Friday, March 16, 2007

Network Marketing

Network marketing or sometimes known as Multi Level Marketing (MLM) is actually a good business. The market for this business is so big and the prospect is good. One thing that we have to keep in mind is that not all of the MLM company will be successful.

Four things about MLM that we have to know:

1. Research the company first

You can research the company profile at google website and type in the company name. Look for the information about the company as much as you can and ask your friends or people who knows about MLM. Usually the company that is spam only stays no more than 5 years. The company that is not a spam usually belongs to a Better Business Bureau and US Chambers.

2. No Mentor

Most of the MLM company do not provide mentor on how to do the business. Basically they just telling you about the company profile and the level of commission that we could attain. Mentor is playing a quite significant role in the business especially for people who knows a little or none about internet business. From the mentor, amateur people can be guided step-by-step on how to do the business, where to do the promotions and how to take profit from the internet. In this case look for MLM that provide mentor to you so you will be supported along the way.

3. Full support from the team

Team support also plays an important role in the MLM business. If members support each other then the business more likely will last longer than just running individually. Members can support each other by sharing the techniques that they have to get leads and so on.

4. Consistent and Hard work

Just like doing any other job, taking this MLM job also requires hard work but of course you do not need to work 8 hours a day seven days a week. You do need at least to work on the job for 2 to 3 hours a day. If you still have a full time job, just consider this MLM job as overtime. We also have to be consistent in doing this job. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme so we have to be positive and do it consistently

Keys To Network Marketing

1. Simplicity

The network marketing opportunity must be simple in design so that it is easy to understand and easy to follow.

2. Time efficiency

The network marketing opportunity must facilitate work on a part time or on a full time basis so that one may work on his or her business as much or as little as he or she can and still earn a profit.

3. Net gain

Although some money may have to be invested in order to make real income, a home business based on network marketing must be feasible even for those with very little money to invest.

Everyone knows that money can be made for those who already have money. An internet home based business can provide an opportunity to people in any income bracket provided that he or she has access to a computer

4. Easy for anyone to do

An online home based business should require some basic computer knowledge, but beyond that a home based business based on network marketing must be comprehensible. Even a child should be able to make money with the right home based business.

5. Personal

To run a home based business online is no different from any other business: you must sell yourself if you want to make money. The more you can sell yourself, the more money you can earn and the best way to sell yourself is to be personal with your clients.

Although you can not reach out and shake hands with your clients, there is still a large window of opportunity for you to get to know your clientele on a personal basis through follow up letters, congratulatory letters, phone calls and regular emails to show your continued interest in his or her business.

6. Positive experience

In order to attract potential network marketers to your down line, you must ensure that their business experience is a positive one. Essentially you must sell someone on the idea of becoming a network marketer, but instead of money the individuals in your down line will invest time.

If the experience is negative, surely the individual in your down line will not continue to invest his or her time in your business

7. Understandable

A network marketing business must be understandable. It must be easy to see why one could make money in such a business. Just as understanding the mechanics of a car makes learning to drive a car virtually effortless, understanding the idea behind network marketing makes it easy to profit in your home business, therefore the idea must be easy to understand

8. Jump start

Starting anything is slow and network marketing is no exception. Before your car can drive it must overcome an initial force, which requires gas. Once your car has started going, it can continue to travel with no gas input.

Initially a home based business requires time; time to learn how the system works to generate clientele and to generate a down line. Once you understand this, you can keep adding to your clientele list and your down line with very little time input.

To help your own down line overcome this you must help them to jump start their business, offer your support and provide them with leads. Remember when they succeed you to will succeed!

9. Proof

Attracting people to your business requires that you provide proof of the potential to earn. Without proof, you are no more convincing than any other online home business. Provide success stories, report your income and your time invested and don't forgot to tell your down line about your own down falls. No one became successful without a few set backs along the way; that's how we learn.

10. Web page

The obvious way to market you online home business is to design a webpage with free access. Though this may take time, a webpage provides access of your business to people all around the world and it is an inexpensive way to advertise.

11. Feeling of accomplishment

Just like any other job network marketing for your online home business must provide the network marketer with a feeling of accomplishment. People in your down line will rely on this to ensure them that they have made the right choice by choosing to become a network marketer, without this your down line would likely quit.

Make sure that you hand on tools of success that worked for you and provide your down line with good leads. The feeling of accomplishment will always leave your down line hungry for more business, which in turn adds to your income stream.

12. Join

Once you find the most successful network marketing online home business, join it! Start your business today for a better tomorrow because once the power is in your hands and not your employer's your own apathy is the only thing that will hold you back from your dreams.

Ionel Prodan is the owner of All Beyond Network Marketing and a heavy hitter on the network marketing business. For more than 6 years has been helping salespeople transform self-limiting beliefs into self-fulfilling breakthroughs to achieve their dreams. My business mission is to bring together a group of people dedicated to integrity, distinction and helping others, to create a revolution of unselfishness and generosity in network marketing.

Why Your Network Marketing Efforts Are Failing

About once a week, I get someone struggling to build an on-line network marketing business come to me for advice. They want me to take a look at their website, and how they are doing business, and tell them WHAT they're doing wrong. They want suggestions on how to grow their business faster.

Let's begin by acknowledging that network marketing is nothing new. It's just telling acquaintances and prospects about products and services that you use and like. This is something that you do everyday. You enjoy sharing great discoveries with those you care about. The twist is that network marketing companies have formalized the referral system and compensates you for those referrals.

There is something KEY in the above definition that points to the first reason many I advise are struggling. Many people promote businesses that they don't honestly believe in. They don't honestly believe that those whom they introduce to the opportunity will benefit. Therefore, it feels like a SCAM to them ... since it is, according to their OWN definition, a scam... and that very subtle message is conveyed in their every communication.

People communicate on many different levels. Our body language, and even our "tone" in our emails, says a lot more than most of us realize. If you want to get scientific about it, we're electro-magnetic creature who do give off electrical vibrations that others can sense. When you promote something that you don't honestly feel good promoting, you give off bad vibes... you produce bad karma that others pick up on.

Have you ever noticed that some people "make the hair on the back of your neck stand up?" You're picking up and responding physically to a very powerful communication. Don't ignore it!

The simple solution to the whole problem described above is to not promote anything (whether it's network marketing or using other methods of marketing) that doesn't positively impact everyone concerned! There are a lot of great products and services out there that do just that. I'll share with you a personal example...

If you've read my background, you'll know that I am a literal welfare to riches success story. I grew up so poor that at times we'd run out of kerosene to heat the house in the winter, and we'd go without heat until our next government subsistence check arrived. Growing up in that environment with my grandmother and two younger brothers, I didn't learn proper money management. I had no role models!

Naturally, when I discovered an on-line service that taught me that missing skill, and prevented me from squandering my growing wealth, I eagerly shared this with others that I knew needed this critical knowledge. There are so many people who don't know how to make money work FOR them. I now feel very good sharing that knowledge with others from my website at: http://www.eliteteammarketing.com/81309/

Take a few minutes and study that website! It's incredibly well-structured and works great. It doesn't have any of the problems I see with the websites that my clients struggle with.

If you have any of these common problems on your website you need to correct them immediately. If you can't correct them, then you need to build you own website rather than using the company-provided website. If the company won't let you create your own site, then you need to find another company since the one you're with is PREVENTING you from succeeding. Here are the common website errors we observe:

1) No clear explanation of what the website or business is about. Internet surfers are very impatient and if they can't figure out what the site's about in a few seconds, many will simply click away.

2) Forms asking for contact information without telling them what you're going to do with their information. People aren't going to give you their phone number and address, or even email address unless they know that they're only going to get information they want to receive. You have to sell them on the value - the "What's In It For Me?" - of having you follow up with them. You also have to assure them that you respect and will protect their private data.

People understand that you're asking for their contact information so that you can follow-up. Clearly tell them how you're going to follow-up and why they want you to do this. Explain precisely what benefit is in it for them?

3) No indication of who, or WHAT, is behind the site. Your website should have very clear contact information on it. A name, email address, phone number, and if practical a physical address should be on the site. Letting people see that there is a real person behind the site is what builds that essential trust. A photo on the site further builds the connection and lets them see that a real, ordinary person runs the business.

4) Proof that what the site says is true. Your making a statement does not provide proof. Others saying it, does provide some "proof." So you need testimonials and statements from a variety of people verifying and validating all of your assertions. These testimonials should have name, company, city and state, website url, etc. Vague testimonials with only a set of initials merely create suspicion. A testimonial with a photo is even more credible.

5) An understandable explanation of the compensation plan. I'm a college graduate with about 20 years of FORMAL schooling. Many of the websites that I read leave me totally CLULESS as to how I would get paid and how much. If your explanation or illustrations of your "payment plan" leave people confused, it will also leave them unsure. This is another area where, if the company provided website doesn't "cut it," then you need to create you own.

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