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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Ut2U (Universal Tranxac)

Introduction to the new rewarding plan "UT2U.com"

Universal Tranxac International Holdings Ltd is incorporate in Hong Kong since 2005. The Business concept is that of a 'Products and Services Aggregator' (PSA), or building, sourced from existing Universal Tranxac business partners as well as other products and services providers locally, regionally or internationally. The primary business activity of ut2u is to market these goods as a PSA employing both 'click and mortar' resources. These resources are then the global e-Commerce platform as well as a network of authorized IBO (International Business Owner).
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Our business run on the e-commerce model and is available to all 24 hours a day no matter where they are! The advent of technology and globalisation has created countless opportunities. With UT2U's vision that combines the traditional, the new, the high-touch and high tech. A vision that will enrich qualified men and women alike both locally and globally.
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Our business is based on the following principles:
* Huge Selection of products
* Quality
* Innovative method of purchase
* Speed
* Cost Effective
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By adopting a work culture of planning wisely, working diligently, patiently, confidently, productively and with commitment, UT2U is confident of becoming an organization that will be the pride of the nation.
Our ultimate goal is to gain success through the enrichment of society, thus creating a better tommorrow.
We want to make it simple for people and make technology a way of life.
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Our Mission: To give our members complete, clear, timely, accurate and any information required to make informed ownership decisions.
Our Vision: Make UT2U Biz Dream your modern living through "Train Yourself For Wealth Without End" System.
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**The UT Smart New Member Consumes "Boom" Plan**
(Plan A)
1 unit = RM128.00
3 unit = RM384.00
* Recommend the first member referral commission RM30.00, second new member you have RM88.00!
By refered two new member you 've already earn back the cost of ONE UNIT! Member which purchase 3 units at once you will direct reward RM148.00 of commission!

**Universal On-Line Group Rewards Plan**
(Plan B)
Every 1 unit contain 25 U.P.(unit points)
Reach 50 U.P. left & 50 U.P. Right you have RM10.00 matching bonus
Rewards Shall be upgraded when you reach your certain level by accumulat points(refer pic)
Daily Earning Maximum by individual is RM500.00!
A single participation Monthly Maxiimum Can Be Reward Up To = RM15,000!

**Universal Global Royalties(Auto)**
(Plan C)
Every unit will divide by 13 levels to reach Total Royalties : RM32,764.00, no need referral whatsoever!

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More benefit for member U.P. please refer Auto On-Line Consuming System & Universal Global Royalties

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Diners Club united UT and puts out the newest cash card, the member changes the electronic wallet cash over to this to block, 6 million trade companies and pertrol station and consume and obtain 0.2% organization bonus in the whole world! TNB, ASTRO, CELCOM, DIGI, TELEKOM, MAXIS, the expenses of every month of TIME can transfer accounts automatically, enjoy 0.2% organization bonus too! !

More excellent benefits & privileges for Diner Club card holder now! Overseas cash advance facitlities, up to 55 days interest free periods, free personal accident insurance up to RM1,000.000, free travel accident insurance up to RM350,000, free new purchase protection off up to RM500 per item, acsess to global 90 international airport & business lounges for members only, Diner Club auto telephone bill/utility payment service...etc.

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As the member of UT, You can introduce the membership card of loyalty program to the people around too, is called UR card. it can use and accumulated U points, and market plan interests of UT! Member ccumulates total mark 100 each time, there is RM0.15 that lets everybody share Organizing the bonus, it seems that there are a lot of things to UPoint, except 15% of the Upoint of loyalty program, there are 25 U Point of persons who join newly and 5 U Point arranging the line part automatically....and more benefits to come!

Official UT Website- http://www.ut2u.com
Official UR Website- http://www.ur2u.com


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